Yale Myers Summer Seminars
Summer Seminar Series
Each year, we invite neighbors, students, and forest practicioners to join us for a series of talks on current research and practices in forestry - or forests in general!
Seminars are held in-person at Yale-Myers Forest Camp at 150 Centre Pike Rd in Eastford, CT. Attendees are welcome starting at 6:00 pm for light snacks. Seminars begin promptly at 6:30 pm.
CT DEEP has approved 0.5 CEUs per seminar for CT-licensed forest practitioners.
Contact Laura Green (laura.green@yale.edu) with any questions.
2024 Seminar Schedule:
June 12th
Sustainable forest management needs to account for natural disturbances
Weier Liu, PhD; Postdoctoral Researcher
Yale School of the Environment
June 26th
Healthy bugs, healthy Streams
July 10th
Acornucopia: Sixteen years of plethora and paucity in a Connecticut oak masting study
July 24th
Adapting adaptive silviculture to the exurban landscape